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FAQ's for SBI SMS Alert Registration/Updation

  1. What is the SBI SMS Alert Service?

    SBI SMS Alert is a service that allows you to stay updated on your banking transactions on SBI bank account on your mobile. These alerts could be event based.

  2. What are the kinds of alerts that I can get?

    You can select one or more of the following events for which you wish to receive SMS alerts for an account:

    • Hold on account balance is set(Includes lien marking also)
    • Hold on account balance is removed
    • Pos-transaction-alert – Debit card swiped at Point of Sales
    • Cheque Stop alert – Cheque issued on account is stopped
    • Cheque dishonor alert – Inward/Outward Clearing Cheque issued on account/ deposited in the account is dishonoured
    • Cheque book issue alert - Whenever Cheque book is issued on account
    • Credit threshold - SMS for all credit transactions above a threshold limit (Min. Amt.Rs.5000)
    • Debit threshold - SMS for all debit transactions above a threshold limit (Min. Amt.Rs.5000)
    • Balance Threshold - SMS whenever balance in the account falls below the predefined balance

  3. How often will I receive the alerts?

    Based on your selection, you will receive the alert(s) when the particular event happens.

  4. Do I have to register for the Mobile Alert service? If so, how?

    You can register for SMS alerts at branch and now additionally through the Internet banking site.

    To register an account for SMS alerts:
    1. Your mobile number should be registered with SBI.
    2. In the Internet banking site, click the SMS Alerts link in the Requests tab.
    3. You are displayed a list of your accounts.
    4. Select the account for which you wish to enable SMS alerts and click OK.
    5. Select the events for which you wish to receive alerts. If an alert is associated with a threshold (Above the threshold value), set the value for the same and confirm.

  5. Can I set SMS alerts for any of my accounts?

    Yes you can set SMS alerts for any of your Internet enabled accounts (SB, CC & OD). You can select the accounts and the events for which you wish to receive alerts.

  6. How do I register my mobile number in the site?

    The mobile number you have provided at your branch while opening an account will be used for sending SMS alerts.

  7. Will the SMS be sent to the mobile registered in the Profile, Personal details section in Internet Banking?

    No, SMS alerts will be only be sent to mobile number registered at your branch. If your mobile number is not registered with the branch, please contact your branch.

  8. Can I change the SMS alerts settings?

    Yes you can change the alert settings and threshold amount, whenever you wish.

  9. Can I disable all alerts for an account?

    Yes. In the SMS Alerts Registration/Updation page, select an account and click the disable hyperlink. SMS alerts will be disabled after getting your confirmation in a subsequent page.

  10. Do I need to log in to Internet banking frequently to receive SMS alerts?

    No. SMS alerts are based on your account activity only. You need to login to Internet banking to set or update alert s for an account. However please note that if your account is inactive /dormant or closed, you may not receive SMS alerts.

  11. Can SMS alerts set for one account be applicable for all accounts?

    No. You need to configure the SMS alerts for each account individually. The events on each account will naturally vary based on the account type.

  12. What should I do if I change my mobile phone number?

    Resident customers can register/update their mobile number through OnlineSBI. You can also register your mobile number by visiting your branch. For NRI customers, a written communication need to be sent to the branch through post.

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