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What's New

Inter and Intra Bank (RTGS) Transfers

Now, you can transfer funds to any bank from your SBI Account using RTGS facility

Dealer-Originated Payments

Now, you can transfer funds to any bank from your SBI Account using RTGS facility

Interest MIS

New Interest Report has been added to help you to analyse the data

File Encryption

Now, a new method is introduced to protect your financial data and improve the confidentiality

Key Features

Secure Bulk Transaction

Fast and easy way to make multiple transactions at the same time

Multi-Level Authorization

Different authorization levels are establised in order to enable secure transactions

Tiered Interest Rate

Encourage the customers by providing the facility of tiered interest rates based on their credit period

Fixed-Floating-Concession Interest Rates

Allow the customers to choose interest rates (Fixed and Floating) based on their business structure

Multiple Channel Repayment

Facilitate multiple channel repayment method for the customers to help ease their payment process

Highly Customized MIS

Various MIS reports are generated for the customers with better results


An application for all customers who require a vendor discount scheme and enjoy vendor financing limits with SBI and provides guarantee service through Instant Interest Recovery Process and Auto Debit of Reversal, which reduces hassles of the bank in recovering the finance.
An application that aims to automate the loan disbursal and interest recovery process and provides a repayment model through the Internet banking and other channel system. The application is customizable for all customers who require a Dealer Discount Scheme and enjoy dealer financing limits with State Bank of India.


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